8th grade trip. It's a gloomy kind of day and the boys are engrossed in a movie, so I'll try a quick post.
Let me see, what all have we been up to.... The younger two boys attended a twilight camp last week through cub scouts. I had planned on spending the quiet hours they were at camp to sit and attempt to catch up the blog. Once getting to the camp, I couldn't bring myself to miss all the photo opportunities while they were working on new skills and crafts. We all ended up staying the whole 5 hours for all 3 days of camp. Jordan being the "tag-along" busied himself with helping out at each of the activities. The second day there Jordan was given an "official" staff shirt and was posted at the archery booth. He was more than happy to help the younger scouts and even found some of his schoolmates to hang out with. All the activities the boys worked on while at the camp will go towards either one of their requirements or a belt loop. A more in depth look at what went on at camp will be in a post in the near future (hopefully).
We have been taking advantage of as many free events we can, that are within a reasonable distance from our home (and planning to attend more in the coming months. There has been some great bounds made towards out 1000 Hours Outside, as the boys have taken up a new "sport"; skateboarding. Of course, we have been swimming as much as the weather allows.
Just wanted to let everyone know I have not forgot about writing. I have been enjoying family time was teenage attitude has lessened some. I promise more detailed posts to follow.
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