Time already for a review of what February held for us. Honestly, I can't even remember!! I know there was too many snow/cold days from school. There weren't many books read, most of the time was spend on electronic. Snow days are the equivalent to no school days and all electronics are permitted. Jordan read bits on pieces of a couple books, Jacob reread some of his favorites, Joey and I haven't even touched a book for the whole month. In the colder months I tuck my books away in favor of crocheting. I have slowly been dwindling down my work in progress pile. I am so excited about just finishing a Mother's Day gift for my mom.
February our whole routine got tossed out the window. There was no menu plans made and dinner was a guessing game every night. The 30 minutes before bed reading didn't happen. We kind of drifted through the whole month. Homework was done in spurts between electronic time. I love when we have snow/cold days from school and we have more time to spend as a family. The downside is we lose our routine and have a hard time getting back into our groove.
Tonight is the last or second to last night of attending a small group through church. I adore the people in my small group and we have way more fun than most small groups should ;) Through being part of the small group I have been able to make more connections with people at church. I have always loved listening to our pastor and the messages he shares, but never had any need to stay and mingle with people. This past month the boys and I have been looking forward getting to church early so we have the chance to fellowship before and after service. I'm kind of sad that small groups are coming to an end, and look forward to attending another in the future. Not only did I make connections with the people in the group, my relationship with Christ has strengthened too. My boys have enjoyed me getting out of the house for a couple hours every Monday night. Papa has been kind enough to drive all the way out here every week to watch the boys. The boys love spending time with their Papa. It had been awhile since the four of them got to a "guys night", and I know my boys look forward to every Monday for a couple hours of "guy time".
I am kind of ready for group to be over though. It's one more night that our routine has been tossed. There isn't much time between the time we get home from school and when I need to pick up my friend and head to group. My multitasking mommy talents have been put to the test every week. Monday is when notes come home about what assignments need to be completed for the week, homework still needs to be done, and dinner needs to be made and on the table (with any luck I'll be able to snag a couple bites before heading out the door). I don't get home group until after bedtime, which means everyone is getting to bed late. Late to bed usually means there is some grumpiness the next morning.
For my personal goals there hasn't been much progress. I have strengthened my relationship with God, but I'm far from through working on this one :) I have made some strides in cutting down on my caffeine. I usually have the equivalent to 4 cups in the am and 4 more around 3 pm. I have cut out 2 cups in the afternoon/evening for just over two weeks and am working on cutting out the other after school cups. I'm still getting some caffeine, but not as much as I was before hand. I like having a warm drink to hold while everyone is shifting from school mode to home mode. I have been opting for a cup of tea instead of my coffee. I have been thinking about in the near future switching from tea to lemon and honey water instead. We'll see if I actually make that switch though :)
I spend 3-4 days a week volunteering at the Assisted Living which is a good chunk of my time. My scrapbooking has gotten shoved back into the closet. No early morning workouts happening either, as I'm still getting to bed between 1-2:30am. I am really looking forward to warmer weather so I can get my butt outside and getting my exercise by playing with my boys. No couponing, I haven't even bought a newspaper. Cooking from scratch...didn't happen....I was doing good just to come up with "something" to feed everyone every night :) Cutting off the cable is still an option. I haven't done it yet, but I'm getting closer. My last bill was outrageous considering how little we actually use the TV. I have been checking into Netflex, Hulu, and Apple TV. I haven't really found anything that will meet all our TV needs.
The boys have been doing better with the goals I have set for them. Jacob has done awesome with his volume control, and we're not getting screamed at like we were. Joey is much calmer, with the exception of right after school. The medication seems to be helping him a lot, but the wear-off after school can be trying for all of us. We had the same aggression and over-exaggeration issues before when he was one this medication. We're working on how to help Joey not feel so overwhelmed and frustrated during the wear-off. Jordan was off to a really bad start last month. There were a lot of reminders of "even a fish wouldn't get himself in trouble, if he just kept his mouth shut". The back talk and snide comments were at an all time high. Then he made a bad choice that almost cost a friend's mom $200 in iTunes charges. I was left with taking the tough love route and pulled his deposit for his class Washington DC trip. I think it bothered me more that he wouldn't be going than it bothered him. Since canceling his trip, there has been positive steps towards being more respectful to others. These teenage years are no joke, I'm just praying that I can make it through them two more times ;)
So there you have it, February was somewhat a productive month :)