Friday, May 2, 2014

Year Long Goals Progress- April

April had been an off month for us. I honestly can't even remember what all we did, just that we were always on the move. Let's see, how did we do towards our year long goals.

Jacob like his brothers has been bouncing between being a little trouble maker (instigator) and the best behaved kids ever. When he wasn't picking arguments with his brothers he did awesome sharing. He even shared his outside toys when we were spending time with some friends. On those days his was looking for trouble, Nope didn't share a thing.

Joey hasn't had much of an opportunity to work on his friendships this month. It feels like we spent as much time on break/vacation as we did actually going to school. He however did wonderful when he met Jordan's cousins when we were in Missouri. Including playing with the younger little girls, and helped keep an eye on them while we were playing outside.

Jordan still hasn't reached the level of earning back his electronic privileges yet. He did have some issues with not sneaking a turn on the kindle when no one was really paying attention. On a positive note, when his brothers have asked him for help on a game, most of the time he didn't try to extend the time he was "helping".

Now to me,  my "me time" has kind of gone out the window again and with it some one my calm. I'm working on finding the time to squeeze in my projects again (that isn't after 10:30 pm). The weather is still being finicky so walking has been hit or miss. I have thought about borrowing some workout videos to keep myself moving on the days I can't get outside (thought about it, haven't done it yet though). My water intake is up, I have no clue how much I'm actually drinking a day, but its a lot. The reason I'm drinking so much water is due another healthy choice I'm working on. I had planned on quitting smoking April 6th, but that was during our vacation and I didn't want to put my family through my nicotine fits while being trapped in the van with me. I bumped my quit date until the following Monday, well that weekend was Easter and family time with kids all hopped up on sugar. So I nixed that date. Knowing I would always find an excuse not to quit I set my quit date as the 21st. I did great for my first day I had between 1-3 cigarettes. The following day I was sick so no cigarettes that day. Then I blew it! Wednesday I found a pack that had one lonely cigarette in it. After finding it, it was all I could think about. I figured I'd smoke it as my official last cigarette, bad move. After it was gone I panicked that I didn't have anything in case of emergencies so I ran to the store and bought another pack (don't ask me what would be considered a cigarette emergency, I wasn't think rationally). Soon I was back to having just one more than I did the day before :( I'm back where I started now. I haven't given up yet, my new start date is Monday, May 5. While I wasn't smoking (for that short amount of time) I kept my hands busy by crocheting for five minutes, also drinking cold water through a straw is suppose to help with craving so I had A LOT of water and completed quite a few rows on my blanket.

As a family, we're still trying to get in our time outside. For April we managed to get 50 hours and 45 minutes towards the 1000 Hours Outside challenge (Year-To-Date 245 hours). We planned on writing up a Spring Bucket list and time just got away from us and we still haven't gotten to it. So we decided to skip it and just make a point to do some cool stuff instead. It was a slow reading month for us, as we hadn't had much down time to sit and enjoy our books.Our Year-to-date book total for the whole family is 78 books.

Books read this month were:

Jacob: (1 book this month) Jigsaw Jones:The case...Snowboarding Superstar by James Preller

Joey: (1 book this month) The Haunted Hotel by Ron Roy

Jordan: (3 books this month) Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick, The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burntt (for a report for mom), and The Giver by Lois Lowry

Me: (7 books read this month) Bumped by Megan McCafferty, The Bar Code Tattoo by Suzanne Weyn, The Last Child by John Hart, Silent to the Bone by E. L. Konigsburg, Runaway Twin by Peg Kehret, Thumped by Megan McCafferty, and What she Left Behind by Tracy Bilen

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